COMPA (short for Compañerismo Estudiantil or Student Fellowship) is a community formed by Mexican students and graduates who seek to bring Jesus’ good news to the Universities.
The core and heart of COMPA’s ministry are the students. Our purpose is to strengthen the students’ faith, equipping them for the work and encouraging them to go into the world bringing the gospel while engaging society as salt and light.
We take as our responsibility to be a missionary arm for the church into the student world.
Students transformed by Jesus Christ’s gospel who will impact the university and society.
Living out and sharing the gospel in the University, training students who serve in the student world, in church and society.
Our Priorities
STUDENT INITIATIVE. The students are in the core of our vision. We acknowledge that every generation has its own challenges and needs. We open dialogues with the COMPA students and create spaces for them to be the actual missionaries.
ENGAGING THE STUDENT WORLD. Students are living a crucial moment. We try to contextualize our ministry according to each generation’s needs and specific ways to understand and share God’s good news.
PASTORAL CARE. People matter more than programs. We provide whole pastoral care for staff workers and students through discipleship, rest and spiritual training.
GENEROSITY. The kingdom of God moves forward through resources and gifts imparted to His people. We provide opportunities for students to practice generous giving from the resources they have now.
Our Work
Specific features
Bible Study
Bible Chapters are our primary activity. One of our main goals is to help students to read and study the Bible by themselves, applying its teachings to their whole life.
Student Leadership
Students lead the Bible Chapters. The staff workers help, pastor and train the students.
Church Support
COMPA is not a church nor a denomination. It’s more of a missionary arm of the church into the student world. Every COMPA student belong and engage in a local church regardless of denomination.
Global Community
We belong to IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) whose members give testimony to the gospel of Jesus in the Universities of more than 180 countries around the world.